7 Blue Mustangs

7 Blue Mustangs
Together We Will Conquer

Friday, December 25, 2009


How absolutely wonderful it has been to have a few of my children in my home waking up Chirstmas morning. It has been a few years since they last were here to awaken us with their excitement. Ok they me be a bit older now but the excitement, delight and nostalgia is all here. I want it to last all year. I want to take a picture of it and have it always!

I don't need bunches and bunches of presents. Just sharing the kitchen with them by my side as we bake pies and prepare the dinner is enough for me. Licking the beaters from the pie filling and taking tastes from the roast as it first comes out of the oven. All the glorious smells wafting all around each room in the house. Unbelievable!

Our tree this year has every ornament we have ever received, bought or made. From our children to our friends. Old ones passed down through the years. Every one has a meaning of love.

There is nothing better than these things to make the holiday perfect. The simple things make it the most memorable and joyful and for all this I am grateful. I pray everyone enjoys their holiday and to cherish the simple things.

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