7 Blue Mustangs

7 Blue Mustangs
Together We Will Conquer

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


While I’m thinking about it, do you have trouble $aving money the$e day$Me too. 


It $eem$ no $ooner I have managed to collect $everal hundred $$$, that the water heater goe$.  Now I am $ure there are $ome who could figure out a way to fix it but that ju$t doe$n’t happen in our hou$e.  Have you priced the$e bugger$ lately?  They come in about every $ize from 15 gal$ to 200 gal$ to energy efficient heating only a$ you u$e it, to mon$tro$itie$ that would never fit down our tiny little $tairca$e, too the very $mall and incon$picuou$ tank$.
$o here i$ my take on the$e nece$$ary e$$ential$ to every day living.  Create a re$erve of ca$h $ay $250 to $500.  $ave thi$ amount and don’t put it in the bank.  Put it in place that i$ difficult to get to, protected from inclement weather, and won’t get burned up if the hou$e burn$ down.  $ay maybe a metal box (fireproof – may co$t around $50.00 for a $mall one) put your $10, $20, and $50’$ totaling $500 and take it out$ide to your $hed out back climb up the ladder and put it a$ far back $o you can’t $ee it unle$$ you climb back up there again.
Right after you do thi$, tell your$elf I don’t need that ca$h. Forget about it!  Get on with the day, week or month and granted not to long after you’ve forgotten about it, the car will need new tire$, your refrigerator will need a new motor, the wa$her will need a new drum, you name it $omething i$ going to make you go back out $ide climb up the ladder $tretch to reach that little metal box.  But when you get to it and open it up the $500 ha$ grown to $1000.   
How, you a$k?  Becau$e when you weren’t thinking about it and you were $leep walking you went out to that $hed in you back yard, climbed up the ladder, felt around for that cold metal box and $ecretly $ta$hed a little windfall from la$t week$ pay check.  That’$ right! $ubcon$ciou$ly you remembered to $ave a little for tho$e unexpected whatnot$ that me$$ up everybody’$ vacation$.  But not you! Now go get that metal box and $tart hiding ca$h in it today!!!

                                            You know tho$e little piggy bank$ we all had a$ kid$?  Well they $till work ju$t a$ good a$ alway$ for $aving your loo$e change.  Loo$e change can add up and before you know it you have another pile of ca$h you didn't have the other day.  $o empty your pocket$ directly into that little piggy bank, boat bank, $hoe bank, $ock bank when you get home and watch your money grow.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


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Do you have boxes of old clothing sitting somewhere in a corner of your home?  I know I do.  My purpose is to fill it up and take it to a second hand store or charity organisation.  I keep meaning to do this, but as like any out of site possession it quickly becomes out of my mind.  I thought I should be more proactive about all these clothes just taking up extra space in my house (garage, storage unit, closet).  Now I keep two boxes of clothes in the back seat of my car.  Why two you ask? Glad you asked!

First, I am particular about what each box contains as each one goes to a different location. I separate the clothing into two different groups (purposes). Here are those two groups:

Box Group One
T-shirts Long-sleeve or short (ratty)
Hats (Ball Caps)                       
Jeans (older ratty)

Box Group Two
Slacks/Jeans less ratty            
Dress shirts T-shirts long or short (nicer condition)
Shoes/Dress Boots
Belts/Purses/Good Hats (no ball caps)
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Once these boxes reach their maximum capacity, its time to deliver them to their new homes. Box Group One will go to a local Mission home for the homeless.  They can use the less desirable clothes since it’s’ purpose is to provide the homeless individual warm and protected from harsh elements outdoors. Winter or summers. 

Box Group Two goes to your favourite charity or one I highly recommend is to the VA (Veterans Administration) where veterans themselves and their families can find decent clothing for free.  Find your VA in your location today. Go to this link http://www.va.gov/  then find the tab “locations”  and find your Vet Center, choose your state and a list of all the VA’s in that state pop up.   Find the location nearest to your hometown.

I began donating clothing and other household items to the VA when my Father passed away in 2009.  He was a good dressed man and much of his clothing was in fabulous condition.  We found homes with in the family for some of his clothes. The rest were carefully folded and placed into a reuse able plastic tub, and delivered to the welcoming volunteers of the Veteran’s Administration (Hospital Center) in his hometown.

Veterans returning from service in theater (tour of duty-out of country) and their families have had to make great sacrifices financially and emotionally that most of the rest of civilians don’t even realize.  Even while a soldiers’ family remains behind they don’t always have the same income they were accustom to before their soldier left.  Their have needs of clothing for babies, growing children, teenagers and even the spouse who may require new clothes for a job they may need for an interview.  The VA has an outlet just for these needs. 
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Go pick up two sturdy re-useable plastic tubs (you can even get them in different colours for better clarification and separation for organizations) and put them in the back seat of your car or in your trunk if you must. Get your children involved too.  This will help them to go through their closets and toy boxes and move items on to a better place if they are no longer using the items.  Equally, you are teaching them the gift of gratitude and giving to those less fortunate.  What a beautiful thing to teach our families.

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So start saving your nicer clothes for our soldiers and their families. You can even donate household items (couches, chairs, tables etc.) but you may want to call your local VA for proper delivery locations for such items.  Our soldiers need to know that they can count on all of the rest of America to take care of their families and the veterans too.  It is the least of all things that we can do as our gesture of appreciation and gratitude for their sacrifice and service to all of us in the US.
 Please don’t forget the homeless…as it may just be a veteran too, who has fallen on desperately hard times.